Monday, January 21, 2008

Eye Care!!!

Dear Friends,Take care of your "delicate" eyes. This info' is sure to help PC users very much. During a recent visit to an optician, one of my mailing group friends was told of anexercise for the eyes by a specialist doctor in the United States that he termed as 20-20-20." It is apt for all of us, who spend long hours at our desks,looking at the computer screen.I Thought I'd share it with you. 20-20-20Step I :-After every 20 minutes of looking into the computer screen, turn yourhead and try to look at any object placed at least 20 feet away. This changes the focal length of your eyes, a must-do for the tired eyes.Step II :-Try and blink your eyes for 20 times in succession, to moisten them.Step III :-Time permitting of course, one should walk 20 paces after every 20 minutesof sitting in one particular posture. Helps blood circulation for the entire body.Circulate among your friends if you care for them and their eyes. They say that your eyes are a mirror of your soul, so do take care of them, they are priceless...Otherwise our eye will be like this.....

This guy would make an Excellent Baller!!!

Sometimes brain operations go wrong in a good way. Take Leonid Stadnyk here, whose ridiculous growth spurt at age 14 was caused by accidental stimulation of his pituitary gland during an op.
He did stop growing eventually, but only after he’d become the tallest man alive at 8 foot 5 inches. The Ukrainian giant now stands at a height just 6 inches below the the tallest man ever, though his parents are both shorties at 5′8 and 5′ respectively.
The story goes that Stadnyk rode his bike to work until he became to big for it and had to take the bus… which he also grew too big for and had to resort to his family’s horse and cart. Eventually he was forced to give up his job as a vet after he couldn’t afford (or find probably) shoes that fit his feet and therefore he ended up with frostbite.
I don’t know if Stadnyk has ever played ball before but I’m sure the Lakers will be on the phone any day now to offer him a tryout.


So apparently......This is the worlds largest dog!

I don't know who this is, or even what kind of dog it is..........all I know is that dog is "MIGHTY" big!

If you know of a larger dog, please post a comment and a link, or if you just have something to say-by all means, "say it"!!

Thank you!!:)


gUeSs wHaT!

DyLaN AnD & cOlE ArE BrInGiNg oUt tWo NeW MoViEs!

A modern Twain story:The Price and the Pauper-


The kings of apple town

ThAt's aLL i kNoW 4 NoW!


MoViE ReVeIw!

So hOw aBoUt tHaT MoViE!!





Staring-Will smith, Alice Braga, Dash Mihok, Sali Richardson-Whitfield, Willow Smith, Charlie Tahan

Director-Francis Lawrence

SoMe CoMmEnTs AbOuT It-

The last man on Earth screams there is no God and has a dog who will not obey his commands.
-Victoria Alexander

The opening act is too magnificent for the terrible ending to wreck it.
-Tim Brayton

Will Smith carries the day... and the movie.
-Gary Brown

'I Am Legend' is essentially a Will Smith one-man show, and he succeeds marvelously.
-Steve Crum
(CNN) If anyone's going to be the last man on Earth, then Will Smith seems like an ideal candidate.
Cool and athletic, focused and unflappable, he's not someone who's going to give up on humanity just because the odds are stacked against him. Even at several billion to one, he's still adamant he can fix this thing.
A third movie version of Richard Matheson's classic sci-fi novel "I Am Legend" has been on the table at Warner Bros. for a long time. In the '90s, Arnold Schwarzenegger talked about following in the footsteps of Vincent Price and Charlton Heston (remember "The Omega Man"?).
Smith is such a different type, it's odd to think that he's taken over this mantle. In fact, he's scored consistently well in sci-fi, from "Independence Day" through "Men in Black" and "I, Robot," and there's no reason to suppose the tense, scary "I Am Legend" won't continue that impressive box office run, even if the movie itself flags on the last lap.
The opening couldn't be sharper. A television news report hails a medical breakthrough -- a viral cure for cancer, no less. Cut to New York three years later: abandoned cars, no one in sight, grass growing waist-high around Times Square. Something has gone very, very wrong.
Smith is Robert Neville. The cover of Time on his fridge door pictures a "Soldier. Scientist. Savior?" but that hanging question mark is well chosen, and we divine that his immunity is pure chance.
He's not quite alone. Neville patrols Fifth Avenue in his Mustang with Sam, a German Shepherd (also immune to the airborne virus), broadcasting into the void, then returning home to his Washington Square townhouse to put up the shutters before nightfall.
That's when the "Dark Seekers" venture out: feral, contaminated people with a rabid appetite for flesh but no pupil dilation reflex to protect them against sunlight.
By now, anyone who caught "28 Days Later" or last year's sequel "28 Weeks Later" may be experiencing deja vu -- in fact, if they called this movie "2.8 Years Later" it could pass as the third installment in the series with very little tweaking. Which is not to downplay the special frisson of seeing the Brooklyn Bridge ripped across the middle, for example.
Wisely dispensing with the Luddite rhetoric that bogged down "The Omega Man," "I Am Legend" doesn't have much time for Neville the soldier. While Chuck Heston dedicated himself to exterminating the albino hordes, Will Smith starts out firmly on the other end of the kill-or-cure scale.
At the same time, the film suggests his self-sufficient scientific rationalism is not enough. By day 1,001 he's on the point of suicide - which is when the movie gets God in the comely intervention of born-again Alice Braga.
If the last half-hour feels thrown together, "Constantine" director Francis Lawrence mostly makes a virtue of the lean script, getting in and out quick, suppressing those inevitable nagging questions (are cockroaches immune?), always stressing Neville's solitary isolation.
So often, sci-fi is overproduced, but "I Am Legend" doesn't look like a CGI extravaganza. It looks like an edgy suspense movie shot on the fly in New York City after the fall. And because of that, it's all the more effective.
My comment-I'm 14 and have seen the movie and thoroughly enjoyed it! I rate it a 8/10!


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The Sprouse twinz rock DuDE!!

dOn't yOu aGrEe!!??

HeReZ a LiNk To tHeIr oFfIcIaL SiTe!

EnJoY ThIs bLoG DuDeZ!

pEaCe oWt nInJaS!